What is The Average Acupuncturist Salary?

By | December 13, 2016

Acupuncture is familiar to people throughout the nation as both a profession and a form of treatment, and it only seems to be becoming more predominant. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) acupuncturists earn a national average of $65,000.00 per year. Although it is possible for an acupuncturist to make much more or even less than the average, there are numerous factors that determine the average income in any profession. These primary variables that effect income for practicing acupuncturists include: education, location, and experience.



As a profession, acupuncture requires formal training at the secondary level along with the successful completion of the licensing requirements, and passing the Acupuncture Certification exams from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). Accredited Acupuncture colleges offer all required courses for certification as well as particular specialties such as Herbal Medicine or Five Element Acupuncture. This first view into the acupunctural world is a crucial part of starting a new career as it provides the stepping stones for future endeavors, but it doesn’t have to stop at one degree.


Master’s and Doctorate Degrees in acupuncture can be earned through better Acupuncture Colleges in many parts of the country. It is very typical for acupuncturists to continue their education throughout their careers. Some choose to finish schooling completely and then begin their careers at an advanced level, some complete their initial certification, practice for a few years then take a break to further education, while others will tackle work and school at the same time, incorporating classes into their schedules either at night, or through weekend classes specifically designed for practicing acupuncturists.



Location is another variable that can dramatically affect an acupuncturist’s average income. Although acupuncture is practiced globally and is a highly acceptable alternative to Western Medicine especially within the U.S, The Bureau of Labor Statistics results shows that the Maryland, Washington DC, Georgia, and Alabama, as well as the Northeast, and West Coast are areas have the highest demand for acupuncture. This research simply highlights that acupuncturists practicing in those general areas will have the opportunity to provide healing at a higher rate.


All in all acupuncture is a profession that has the potential to be incredibly profitable as well as rewarding.



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