Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine
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Acupuncture Program

The Eastern School Master's in Acupuncture program is 2700 hours in length. A commitment of as little as three years is required to complete your qualifications. The program is designed to meet the needs of working adults. Acupuncture classes meet one afternoon/evening per week and on weekends, both Saturday and Sunday.

The design of the acupuncture program is to provide the highest standard of acupuncture education. In addition, the training also provides an educational foundation in the western biosciences, which will assist the acupuncturist as a healthcare professional.

The Eastern School of Acupuncture's unique curriculum is organized thematically. Modern research has shown that adult learners absorb information best through hands-on learning activities. Thus, what students learn in theory acupuncture classes is reinforced in clinical work. This creates links that aid students in retaining theoretical knowledge and in understanding its practical application.

The core curriculum of the Eastern School acupuncture program includes a thorough grounding in the principles of Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, as well as the fundamentals of TCM; including Meridian Pathways, Point Location, and Pulse and Tongue Diagnosis. Another educational objective for the Eastern School of Acupuncture reflects the belief that the best practitioners are often those who have a working knowledge in several different acupuncture modalities. To that end, the core curriculum also includes exposure to various schools of thought such as TCM and Japanese styles.

For more information about the program, please visit the links below: