Author Archives: Eastern School Admin

Eastern Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2

Eastern Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2 The Eastern Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, EJCAM, is a peer reviewed journal affiliated with the Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine. EJCAM however acts independently from the school in pursuit of its own mission. The mission of EJCAM is to publish and distribute… Read More »

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Can Acupuncture Curb Killer Immune Reactions?

Can Acupuncture Curb Killer Immune Reactions? A needle-based technique has been shown to switch on nerves that tamp down sepsis By Gary Stix on May 1, 2014 The ST36 Zusanli acupuncture point is located just below the knee joint. This spot in mice—and it is hoped perhaps in humans—may be a critical entryway to gaining… Read More »

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Acupuncture Community Loses World Renown Chinese Medicine Expert, Practitioner and Author Giovanni Maciocia

Dr. Thomas Kouo, DAOM, L.Ac, Dipl. OM Academic Dean Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine It is with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of Giovanni Macioica.  Giovanni is the author of many of the most influential books in modern TCM and has spread his influence over our medicine with his passion… Read More »

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Lunar New Year the Year of the Dog!

Lunar New Year the Year of the Dog! Lois Denmark, DACM, L. Ac., Dipl.OM (NCCAOM)-Department Chair of Oriental Medicine, faculty member and clinic supervisor at ESATM. The Lunar New Year is also known as the spring festival and starts with the new moon on the first day of the New Year and end on the… Read More »

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Is it time to apply for acupuncture school?

Is it time to apply for acupuncture school? Like any life changing event, furthering your education or changing career paths is a major decision. Prospective students who apply to acupuncture school are adult learners who are experiencing different phases of their lives. Some are fresh out of undergrad and living with their parents, some are… Read More »

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ESATM 2017 Holiday Appreciation Celebration and Awards Ceremony!

The second annual ESATM Holiday/Appreciation Celebration! The staff, students, faculty, and alumni at ESATM enjoyed music, food, Yoga, Tuina, Qi Gong, plus our annual food drive and the Eastern Schools Awards Ceremony   Congratulations to our award winners! ESATM AWARDS 2017 President’s Award-Kathy Hoch This award is awarded to the student who has shown excellence… Read More »

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Relief effort for Southern California Fires!

Relief effort for Southern California Fires! Donate now to AWB Southern California Relief effort so we can get started immediately! Acupuncturists Without Borders has been contacted by many AWB trainees ready to go out to do relief effort service work in evacuation centers and for first responders. Please help in any way you can so… Read More »

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Acupuncture Treatment Protocol for Acute Pain in the Hospital Setting

Acupuncture Treatment Protocol for Acute Pain in the Hospital Setting By Dr. Thomas Kouo, DAOM, L.Ac., Dipl.OM* “Give me something for the pain Give me something for the blues Give me something for the pain when I feel I’ve been danglin’ from a hang-man’s noose Give me something for the rain Give me something I… Read More »

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Congratulations to all of The Eastern Schools 20th Anniversary Award Recipients!

What an amazing and fun filled evening celebrating the Eastern Schools 20th Anniversary! The evening was rich with the history of ESATM and enthusiasm for the bright future of our school! We had a wonderful turnout of faculty, alumni and current students. ESATM’s CEO/President Aida Morales-Almanzar (daughter of ESATM’s founder Julie Puretz) was the mistress… Read More »

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AOM Day Events Eastern!! Tuesday October 24, 2017

What is AOM day? According to “Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Day is observed annually on October 24 since its initial commemoration on October 24, 2002. It is part of an effort designed to increase public awareness of the progress, promise, and benefits of acupuncture and Oriental medicine. An estimated 36% of U.S. adults use some… Read More »

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