Author Archives: Eastern School Admin

Strengthen Your Immunity

Dr. Matthew Fellner, DACM, L.Ac. Don’t wait until you’re sick to start taking care of your health!  One of the best ways to strengthen your immunity is to be proactive.  As we have seen during the COVID pandemic, there are 2 main factors that affect our immunity and increase the likelihood of both getting sick,… Read More »

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Women’s History Month-Celebrating Bloomfield New Jersey’s Women-Owned Businesses

Women’s History Month-Celebrating Bloomfield New Jersey’s Women-Owned Businesses Kelly Williams M.S.Ed Director of Admissions As women’s history month closes, we reflect on an unprecedented year especially for small businesses, women-owned notwithstanding.  It is hard to believe that women’s history month was instated so recently in 1987 after being expanded from the initial one week dedicated… Read More »

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8 Healthy Habits Matthew Fellner, DACM, L.Ac.

When most people think of stress, they usually have an image of time crunches, deadlines, bills, angry bosses, financial hardship, sick children, etc. that have mainly negative connotations. However, biologically speaking, that is not necessarily the full picture. Our bodies are hard-wired to respond to stress in ways that protect us from threats in the… Read More »

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Events in Georgia

  Events in Georgia Dr. Thomas Kouo, DAOM, L.Ac, Dipl. OM In light of the events that occurred in Georgia in which eight persons were murdered, seven of which were of Asian descent (six of which were Asian women), we at the Eastern School would like to publicly and emphatically state our absolute abhorrence of… Read More »

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Why acupuncture training is good for your future

Why acupuncture training is good for your future Eusung Woo, ESATM Masters of Science in Acupuncture, Student “Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation. You cannot control what happens to you in life, but you can always control… Read More »

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Let Us All Welcome in the Year of the Ox

Let us all welcome in the Year of the Ox! Dr. Thomas Kouo, DAOM, L.Ac., Dipl.OM The Chinese week-long Spring Festival follows the lunar calendar and a twelve animal cycle which help to describe the nature of the upcoming year.  Three themes revolve around this holiday, happiness, health, and fortune. In America, the holiday has… Read More »

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Treating the post-COVID patient-Kiiko Matsumoto

Kiiko Matsumoto Live-Streaming from Kiiko’s Clinic A chance to review and master the basics and also learn the newest techniques in Kiiko’s evolving style.   Topic: Kiiko Matsumoto Treatment Strategies: Using the SCM as a Diagnostic Area Kiiko will be treating patients live-2 of the patients have post-COVID syndrome. Course Description: Kiiko Matsumoto will share her insights… Read More »

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How does acupuncture work?

How does acupuncture work? Eusung Woo, Masters of Science in Acupuncture student ESATM Acupuncture works by insertion of needles as we know. Acupuncture needles are, unlike, hollow to inject solutions, metal filiform made from stainless steel. They come in different gauges, lengths, coatings to suit which part of the body needles are being inserted into.… Read More »

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Remember to Stay Hydrated this Holiday Season!

Hydration:  You said what? So what is hydration?    Dr. Robert D. Eisen, D.C. Bioscience Chair, Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines hydration as the condition of having adequate fluids in the body.  Simply stated we mean to drink ample amounts of water to provide your body with this most essential of… Read More »

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Becoming an Acupuncturist

Becoming an Acupuncturist Dr. Matthew Fellner, DACM, L.Ac. Acupuncture Department Head ESATM This is obviously an unprecedented and unusual time in society.  There are so many unknowns and uncertainties as we navigate what effect Covid will have on the job market and, indeed, life in general.  Many people are considering new careers or are altering… Read More »

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