Author Archives: Eastern School Admin

Using Your Breath to Beat the Winter Blues

Matthew Fellner, DACM, L.Ac. Now that it’s January and winter is in full swing, most people begin to notice the doldrums of shorter days and cold, snowy weather.  For many people the winter blues are bad enough to cause SAD or seasonal affective disorder, a type of depression that is triggered by excessive darkness, inclement… Read More »

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The New Jersey Acupuncture Society

The New Jersey Acupuncture Society (NJAS), is the Garden State’s professional organization of Licensed Acupuncturists and supporters of East Asian Medicine dedicated to promoting the profession of Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine by always striving for the highest standards of patient care, education, and integrity to ensure the health and well-being of the public. The… Read More »

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Acupuncture for Hypertension

Matthew Fellner DACM, L.Ac. Acupuncture for Hypertension Evidence Based Complimentary & Alternative Med. March 4 2014 Li et al. “…acupuncture significantly lowers blood pressure in patients taking antihypertensive medications.” It is not a bold statement to suggest that we are overmedicated in this country.  But there are certainly medications that are necessary and even lifesaving when… Read More »

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Acupuncture for Inflammation

Matthew Fellner DACM, L.Ac. Inflammation is a buzz word that is gaining traction throughout the medical and wellness industry.  Inflammation has been implicated as the cause for almost every kind of illness and disease today from allergies to arthritis to heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and even cancer.  And recent research is suggesting that many of the… Read More »

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Post-COVID Self-Care

Matthew Fellner DACM, L.Ac. Now that we are emerging from the throes of the pandemic and starting to feel life slowly return to normal, there are so many activities that we look forward to resuming.  It’s not just that we miss going to the movies or having BBQ’s with friends.  There is a deeper fulfillment… Read More »

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Strengthen Your Immunity

Dr. Matthew Fellner, DACM, L.Ac. Don’t wait until you’re sick to start taking care of your health!  One of the best ways to strengthen your immunity is to be proactive.  As we have seen during the COVID pandemic, there are 2 main factors that affect our immunity and increase the likelihood of both getting sick,… Read More »

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8 Healthy Habits Matthew Fellner, DACM, L.Ac.

When most people think of stress, they usually have an image of time crunches, deadlines, bills, angry bosses, financial hardship, sick children, etc. that have mainly negative connotations. However, biologically speaking, that is not necessarily the full picture. Our bodies are hard-wired to respond to stress in ways that protect us from threats in the… Read More »

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Why acupuncture training is good for your future

Why acupuncture training is good for your future Eusung Woo, ESATM Masters of Science in Acupuncture, Student “Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation. You cannot control what happens to you in life, but you can always control… Read More »

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Treating the post-COVID patient-Kiiko Matsumoto

Kiiko Matsumoto Live-Streaming from Kiiko’s Clinic A chance to review and master the basics and also learn the newest techniques in Kiiko’s evolving style.   Topic: Kiiko Matsumoto Treatment Strategies: Using the SCM as a Diagnostic Area Kiiko will be treating patients live-2 of the patients have post-COVID syndrome. Course Description: Kiiko Matsumoto will share her insights… Read More »

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How does acupuncture work?

How does acupuncture work? Eusung Woo, Masters of Science in Acupuncture student ESATM Acupuncture works by insertion of needles as we know. Acupuncture needles are, unlike, hollow to inject solutions, metal filiform made from stainless steel. They come in different gauges, lengths, coatings to suit which part of the body needles are being inserted into.… Read More »

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