The Eastern Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, EJCAM, is a peer reviewed journal affiliated with the Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine. EJCAM however acts independently from the school in pursuit of its own mission.
At EJCAM we consider the center of alternative medicine to be the medicine that derives from indigenous Chinese medicine that has a history of over 3000 years. In the United States, Chinese medicine has a relatively short history. It became better known here when the US and China developed relations in the 1970’s. Since that time Chinese medicine has gained acceptance but has met with resistance from the scientific community. The resistance stems from the fact that acupuncture, herbs, and other forms of traditional medicine are derived from experience. In today’s world medicine is accepted when science proves its statistical significance. Greater acceptance of traditional medicine will be achieved when scientific study provides the proof beyond what experience has already shown.
Researchers in the field of traditional medicine need access to qualified peer review and widespread distribution of their work in order to achieve acceptance in the US. EJCAM aims to provide that review and distribution. The vision of EJCAM includes greater acceptance of traditional medicine and a healthcare field that offers people the best of traditional and western medicine. This integration can be a true blessing for humanity.
The Eastern Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine is dedicated to Julie Puretz, the founder of the Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine. As traditional medicine has grown in the US, the advancement has been led by people like Julie Puretz. Julie Puretz had the strength and vision to advance traditional medicine so students could learn, teachers could teach and people could heal. She started the Eastern School in New Jersey where there was no school to provide this medicine. May our humble effort with this journal continue to achieve the goals that she inspired in all of the people who have benefitted from her work!
The Mission of the Eastern Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine
The mission of EJCAM is to publish and distribute peer reviewed articles of complementary and alternative medicine that stimulate the knowledge of all medical professional healers and enhance the health and wellbeing of all people.
To download the first edition of the Eastern Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine please click here